Waggoner International Color
Coding Symbols
Spouses use color coding to help their colorblind children and husbands independently color co-ordinate their cloths.
Marine navigational markers are more easily identified by the colorblind.
Make warning and signal lights eaier to identify for the colorblind.
Aid colorblind children in the educational system.
Facilitate commuters reading maps or getting directions.
This is a “Free” color coding system developed by Dr. Terrace L. Waggoner email waggonert@waggonerdiagnostics.com. Title the email subject “Color Coding”
Waggoner Diagnostics is also working on a proprietary system, Waggoner Wires, to help individuals identify wires that work in electrical and other fields that need help identifying colored wires.
Helpful Links for the Colorblind
1. Youtube Video “Color Vision Test – Official Version” Same as the on-line color vision test found on this webpage, but in video format.
2. Click here for an excellent Powerpoint presentation by Dr. Rabin on colorblindness (The presentation is technical and mainly for the scientific community).
3. Excellent 9 minute film on colorblindness by Laura Evans.
4. A shareware program for colorblind individuals called “WhatColor”. Using your cursor, you can identify any color on the screen of your PC.
5. You will see how a webpage looks to a color deficient person.
6. See how color deficient people see colored palettes
7. Click here to take a test by Jay Neitz. See how well you can identify objects if you were colorblind.
8. The goal of this page is to help web designers in choosing colors that are correctly visible by color blind people.
9. Good article on the Wall Street Journal about color blindness.
10. The Laxmi Eye Institute gives one the best educational slide presentations on colorblindness I have reviewed.
11. A Free Book available on the internet about colorblindness – really good information .
12. Color Butler: An app for helping dress yourself as a colorblind individual. Developed by colorblind ophthalmologist, Dr. Robert Penner.